Podcast/Interview Editing
Podcast and Interview Editing!
Are you a voice artist, audiobook narrator or podcast host in need of an assistant with superior audio editing and production skills?
Need to get your production project finished by a deadline but have little or no time to finish the editing process yourself?
No matter what the reason, if you're looking for someone who will not only edit your raw audio files in a timely manner but also give it the care and attention it deserves, Beth has your back!
Beth takes pride in her superior editing skills and makes every effort to give her clients exactly what they want ... professionally edited audio that DOESN'T sound like it's been edited. And if you have any special post-production requirements, don't worry! She can take care of that too!
Beth's podcast editing and production credits include work with Radio Medium Laura Lee, the podcasts: Ordinary People Ordinary Things, Soul Roadmap, Your Affiliate Marketing Mentor, The Full Court Press Podcast, and Ageless Energy (produced in conjunction with Pro Podcast Solutions), as well as her own show, "Amplified," where she is the host, producer, audio editor, and creative imaging producer.
Post-Production Audio Services Are Also Available!
All Podcast/Interview Production services include basic audio editing (removal of harsh breaths, clutch words, etc) and audio processing (EQ, compression, volume leveling/limiting, hiss reduction, etc). Other post-production services available for an additional fee include:
- Voicing/producing of a show intro, outro and/or rejoin
- Audio Transcription (time stamping, show summary and guest contact info optional)
- Convert audio into YouTube-ready video files using royalty-free stock photos or your show's logo. Please note: due to the size of these converted files, Dropbox or another file sharing service is required.
- Radio Show/Podcast review services